Wednesday 15 February 2012

It's time for Practicum

Good luck to all of our 50 students going out for practicum from 20th February to 18th May 2012. May you have the patience, confidence and dedication to excel in teaching. We are hoping that the 25 selected schools will welcome you with open arms and treat you as one of their family members. Hopefully you will gain experiences which will enrich your teaching career in the future. And lastly, of course, be ready everyone...we are coming......

Come and Join Us!

Hi! It's English Month again. Do come and join our activities at the Dewan Seri Temenggong on Friday, 17th February 2012, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Mentoring Course (8-9th February 2012)

A two day's course conducted at the Dewan Seri Temenggong from Wednesday, 9th February 2012 to Thursday, 10th February. On the first day, around 60 primary school teachers and headmasters/ headmistresses attended the opening ceremony which was officiated by the Director of IPGKTI, Tn. Hj. Mohd Said Bin Hasran. The course was conducted by Dr. John Hope from the University of Auckland on mentoring trainee teachers who will be carrying out their researches in school.


Course Participants


Thanks to everyone involved in the running of the course and hopefully everyone benefitted from it.